Bouldering guides point out new problems!

Bouldering Guides

This rather unpleasant headline refers to the primary reason for boulderers to invest their hard-earned money in bouldering guides. They are often confused with climbing guides and provide boulderers with important information about how to find the best bouldering spots in unknown territory. Insiders refer to the routes on bouldering walls as ‘problems', the locations of which are described in bouldering guides.

Bouldering guides for spots all over the world

The best thing about bouldering is that it reduces climbing to its bare essentials. You aren't confronted with complicated rope techniques, alpine dangers, or ridiculous loads of equipment. All you need is a crash pad, a chalk bag, and, as mentioned above, the right bouldering guide. Mountaineers need mountains. Boulderers don't. Ice climbers need ice. Boulderers don't. There are spots with exciting routes all over the world. Sometimes, the best bouldering walls can unexpectedly be found in low-land areas. Therefore, it is possible to plan bouldering trips anywhere in the world and you will definitely find the right bouldering guide.

What information can a bouldering guide provide?

Bouldering guides include many valuable details. However, the content varies from publisher to publisher. In smaller bouldering areas, you will sometimes find only a single bouldering guide written by a local boulderer. Most often, these books are available in one language only, which will be the national language. In contrast, a whole range of multilingual bouldering guides is available in major areas such as Fontainebleau in France. Most bouldering guides describe how to reach the spots and provide information about campsites or hostels. The introductions most often tell you about existing climbing rules, which must be respected at all times. Ob course, you will also find details regarding the approach routes leading to the spots and about the exact route locations and characteristics. As you can see, bouldering guides make it easy for you to find the perfect problems for your personal skills.

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