Product complaint
Here you can find all the information you need to make a complaint within the statutory warranty period. Please pay special attention to the section on the manufacturer's voluntary guarantees.
Step 1:
Please send us the following information via our contact form:
- Your customer number
- The order or invoice number
- The item number of the defective product
- Description of the defect: what exactly is defective, where on the item is the defect located, when did the defect occur/when was it noticed, is the item's function restricted by the defect?
Step 2:
Our complaints team will contact you as soon as possible and inform you of what happens next.
Step 3:
If your item needs to be sent in for inspection, we ask for your understanding that this may take some time. To make our work easier, please send any textile items and shoes in particular back to us in a washed or cleaned condition. Thank you in advance! Of course, your warranty rights remain fully valid regardless of whether you do so.
Step 4:
As soon as your complaint has been processed, we will inform you immediately of the result of the inspection.
Further details on our complaint conditions:
The warranty is provided in accordance with the statutory provisions. You have the statutory right to claim compensation for all defects occurring during the statutory warranty period. Details on the warranty can be found in our general terms and conditions.
Information on additional manufacturer's warranties can be found in the product information enclosed with the goods. If you wish to make use of the manufacturer's warranty independently of the statutory warranty, we will be happy to forward your enquiry to the relevant manufacturer. Please understand that we have no influence on the duration of the inspection. Ultimately, the manufacturer alone decides whether the defect is covered by its warranty or not.