The figure eight belay device Camp Standard Figure 8 is a classic. In the 1960s, the speed of a climber's descent was controlled by way of the Dülfersitz, using the friction of the rope against the body, but along came the figure eight belay device. Despite the introduction of all sorts of innovative belay devices and descenders since the 1980s, the figure eight has survived. The advantage of the figure eight lies in the fact that you can easily and safely rappel double strand with single ropes of varying diameters. Regardless of whether the rope is dirty or covered with ice. Kinked ropes, which can be caused by various belaying techniques or not uncoiling the rope properly, are no fun for the figure eight, but it can take them! Plus, the figure eight is virtually indestructible and can be operated with gloves on. Last but not least, the Camp Standard Figure 8 can also be used for belaying, lowering and improvised rescue techniques.