Functional undershirts made of merino wool and synthetic fibres

Short-sleeved Shirts

Base layers are the warm, comfortable layers of clothing worn directly against the skin. The great thing about them is their outstanding moisture-wicking properties. When shopping for a base layer, you’ll notice that there are various models to choose from, from long sleeves and short sleeves to tank tops.

Let’s first take a look at their fabrics. Most base layers are made of merino wool or synthetic fibres. Many companies offer base layers with super breathable and dimensionally stable blends. However, the use of functional silk is relatively unusual. In addition, you can get a matching pair of trousers from brands, such as Icebreaker, Ortovox or Rewoolution. You can combine base layers as you wish, for example, you can wear shorts with a long sleeve shirt or long trousers with a short sleeve shirt.

Odourless, comfortable and breathable

Merino base layers are especially popular amongst hill walkers and mountaineers because the high-quality wool is almost completely odourless and exceptionally warm depending on their thickness. As for synthetic base layers, they’re even more effective at wicking moisture away, and they're very quick-drying. Plus, stretchy synthetic undershirts guarantee maximum freedom of movement during outdoor sports, and they're a popular choice amongst trail runners and cyclists.

Functional undershirts should fit snugly to optimize the top’s insulating and moisture-wicking properties. Of course, your mid and outer layers should further enhance the moisture-wicking and breathability abilities.

In warmer weather, hill walkers, climbers and outdoor athletes prefer wearing looser sport shirts, namely short, quick-drying undershirts. If you’ve ever sweat in a cotton T-shirt, then you know how long it can take to dry completely and that it tends to smell after exercising. However, with a high-quality merino wool sport shirt, you’ll feel great even after several days of hill walking, climbing, bouldering and mountaineering.

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