100% genuine threads from other customers of Bergfreunde
How do we handle threads?

We think: nothing is more reliable than the naked truth of our customers. Especially when we are talking about equipment and gear, and the feedback of those who have tested it in real life. In order to be able to offer reliable reviews, we work according to the transparent guidelines listed below. We thank you for respecting and adhering to our review guidelines when submitting product reviews in our shop.
If any of the gear doesn't do what it's supposed to do – well, then people should know about it. That is why we would never delete a thread simply because it may be negative! Quite on the contrary: we are really grateful about negative feedback, because we don't want to sell things that aren't up to scratch. We also ensure transparency by not allowing anonymous contributions. You therefore need a customer account for the Bergfreunde Shop to be able to submit a product review.
We keep an eye on everything ...
We always monitor all of the threads. With "we" we're talking about our team first of all. But because we can't read all the contributions all the time, we also look forward to helpful hints from you.
Comments are highlighted
Any comments we add to threads published by you, or if we intervene for any reason, you and everyone else will know about – plus we will let you know why we intervened. The author of the thread or comment will additionally receive an information email from us.
We will be keeping the peace ...
Once you have created a post, it is usually published immediately. However, we will delay its publication and take a closer look if we notice anything out of the ordinary. If we find inappropriate content, such as content that violates an applicable law or copyright, the post will remain inactive. Otherwise, your post will go live as soon as we have checked it. As always, please be nice and polite to each other.
Advertising is a no go!
Should we find blatant advertising or other posts with an advertising character, we will delete these posts or remove them from the calculation of the average rating. Praise, of course, is always welcome!
You are also free to add pertinent links
Feel free to link any other sources of information or products you have found useful. We do, however, reserve the right to delete any links from threads or comments that have nothing to do with the topic at hand.
Is this really true?
If we find a post unrelated to the product and/or product experience, we reserve the right to delete this post or not to include it in the average rating.
We are always happy to receive customer pics & videos, and will highlight particular treasures, which can be understood without context, in various locations in the shop (e.g. in the detailed view on the item page). Please note that complaint pictures cannot be highlighted due to the lack of context. The rules for uploading pictures/videos can be found here:
The Bergfreunde team is not afraid to show its colors
Contributions from members of the Bergfreunde team or manufacturer representatives are also possible here, but we will mark them accordingly for you. So you always know who is behind a contribution and can make sense of it yourself.
By the way: if you want to help keep the quality of the threads or comments high, then you can use the 'Helpful' function to highlight particularly helpful comments or threads. We will similarly look at every thread or comment you report as unsuitable.
All in all: let's all have fun with the threads and comments published by other Bergfreunde customers. And if you feel you have something to say ... then say it!
Any questions? Our customer service will be happy to help.
- Phone: +49 7121/70 12 0
- Contact
As of June 20, 2022